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Integrating the central-dispatch markets into the European balancing platforms: main lessons learnt and challenges

S. Bindu, L. Olmos, J.P. Chaves

19th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM23, Lappeenranta (Finlandia). 06-08 junio 2023


In European balancing markets, there are two co-existing market models based on the adopted dispatch process. In a self-dispatch model, the market players are in charge of determining the operational schedule of their generation and consumption units since, at an overall market level, only the overall trading position of each player is determined. On the other hand, under central-dispatch, the scheduling and dispatching of individual units are determined centrally. In the European context, the integration challenges faced by the central-dispatch scheme are larger than those faced by a self-dispatch system. We discuss the main integration challenges faced by a central-dispatching system along with the approach followed by different TSOs to address them. We also examine how these approaches can be applied to other market design problems.

Resumen divulgativo:

El central-dispatching es un modelo de mercado de balance menos conocido en Europa, implementado en algunos países europeos. Este artículo analiza los desafíos de integración que enfrentan en el contexto de la integración del mercado de balance europeo y las diferentes aproximaciones tomadas por los TSOs para abordarlos.

Palabras clave: Balancing markets, , Central-dispatch, Electricity markets, Market integration, Self-dispatch

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en IEEE EEM 2023, pp: 1-7, ISBN: 979-8-3503-2452-5

Fecha de publicación: 2023-07-03.

S. Bindu, L. Olmos, J.P. Chaves, Integrating the central-dispatch markets into the European balancing platforms: main lessons learnt and challenges, 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM23, Lappeenranta (Finlandia). 06-08 junio 2023. En: IEEE EEM 2023: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 979-8-3503-2452-5

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Diseño y regulación de mercados energéticos

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